Herniated Disc Treatment

Most Advanced Herniated Disc Treatment At Affordable Cost From World Class Hospitals In India

Herniated discs are extremely common back injuries. As degeneration and breaking down of a disc occurs, the inner core can leak out through the disc’s outer portion. This condition is known as a herniated disc or a disc herniation. A herniated disc can develop in any part along your spine, even in your neck, or cervical spine, but it most commonly occurs in the lower back, also known as lumbar vertebrae or lumbar spine. A herniated disc rarely occurs in the upper back, or thoracic spine.

Some of the causes of the herniated disc are :

  • Wear and tear of the disc. As you age, the discs in your spine dry out and this lowers the flexibility of your spine.

  • Injury to the spine. Injuries may cause tiny cracks or tears in the disc’s outer layer. When this occurs, it can cause the thick gel inside the disc to leak through the cracks or tears present in the outer layer of the disc. The disc then eventually bulges and breaks open.

hernated disk

When a herniated disc puts pressure on the nerve roots, it can result in pain, weakness and numbness in parts of the body that the nerve travels. When a herniated disc occurs in the lower back, it can cause pain and numbness down the leg and in the buttock. This condition is known as sciatica. This condition is the most common symptom of a herniated disc that affects the lower back.

If there is no pressure on a nerve from a herniated disc, it may cause a backache or there also may be no pain at all.

If both legs are weak or numb combined with loss of bowel or bladder control, you should seek medical help immediately. This could be a sign that you suffer from a rare but serious condition known as cauda equina syndrome.

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Symptoms of Herniated Disease

hernated disk symptoms

The common symptoms of Herniated Disc include :-

  • Pain in back

  • Weakness in one leg or both legs

  • Numbness and Tingling in one leg

  • A burning pain centered in the low back

  • Loss of bladder or bowel control

  • Back pain with gradually increasing leg pain

Pain and numbness of leg is caused due to pressing of herniated discs against the nerves present in the spine.

Diagnosis of Herniated Disc

diagnosis hernated disk

Your doctor may examine you and ask a series of questions to learn more about the symptoms you experience. If your symptoms clearly indicate that you have a herniated disc, you may not require any tests. In some cases, The doctor's diagnosis can be confirmed by using X-ray imaging, computed tomography (CT) scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The X-ray image can show bone spurs and narrowing of the disc space as the spine ages and deteriorates, but cannot show a disc herniation or nerves in the spine. The CT and MRI scans provide more detailed pictures of all the spinal elements (vertebrae, discs, spinal cord and nerves) and can identify most disc herniations.

Additionally, electrical (nerve conduction) studies may be performed to look for signs or evidence of nerve damage that can result from a disc herniation.

Most Advanced Minimal Invasive Surgical Treatment Options for Herniated Disc

After gathering as much as information as possible, your surgeon may recommend one of the following surgical procedures for herniated discs. There may be some cases where a patient requires a combination of surgeries to gain relief from pain and discomfort associated with a herniated disc.

Microdiskectomy/ Diskectomy Surgery
microdiskectomy hernated

For herniated disc that affects the lumbar region, diskectomy is the most commonly performed surgery. In this procedure, a surgeon removes the portion of the disccausing the pressure on your nerve root. In some cases, surgeons remove the entire disk.

The surgeon will access the discby making an incision in your neck or back. When it is possible, a smaller incision and special instruments are used to achieve the same results. This is a newer and less invasive procedure known as microdiskectomy. There are a few cases where discectomy and microdiscectomy can be performed in an outpatient basis.

Artificial Disc Surgery
artificial hernated disk

For artificial disc surgery, patients are put under a general anesthesia. In most cases, this surgery is used for a single disc when the problem is affecting the lower back. This is not a good option if you have osteoporosis or arthritis, or in cases where there is degeneration in more than one disc.

For artificial disc surgery, the surgeon makes an incision in your abdomen to access the affected area. An artificial disc made from plastic and metal replaces the damaged disc. Patients may be required to stay in the hospital for a few days after surgery.

Spinal Fusion Surgery
hernated spinal fusion

For spinal fusion, general anesthesia is required. In this procedure, a surgeon fuses two or more vertebrae permanently together. The fusion may be done with bone grafts from a donor or from another part of your body. Surgeons may also use plastic or metal rods and screws that are designed to provide additional support. This allows for permanent immobilization of that portion of your spine.

Spinal fusion usually requires patients to stay in the hospital for several days.

A herniated disc can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, but with the right treatment or surgery, you can gain relief. However, the good news is that in most cases, people with a herniated disc do not require surgery to correct the problem.

Getting Treatment for Herniated Disc in India

Excellent Outcomes and Affordable Cost is assured. You deserve to get back to pain free, good quality life soon

Get comprehensive spine surgery in India at cost effective budget:- India is currently one of the most popular medical destinations in the world. This is due to the availability of international standard medical care at an affordable cost. The country sees thousands of patients from across the globe every year seeking treatments for a wide range of medical conditions. The nation has world-class medical facilities with highly trained doctors and other healthcare professionals, advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment.

When it comes to treating herniated discs and other conditions that affect the spine, there is no better place than India. Specialized doctors and hospitals can provide patients with high quality medical care at the best prices.

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